Mrs.Poornima Kumar


In 1995 Mrs. Poornima Kumar founded the Club to give an opportunity to home makers and also the customers from the Virgo Fitness Centre to join this Association and learn and share from each other. The club has a membership of nearly 100 dynamic, enthusiastic women.

Our prized project is the GREENING OF ASHOK NAGAR. The club has planted nearly 400 trees in Ashok nagar in early 1995. The trees in Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Pudur High School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ashok nagar, apart from the roads owe their existence to our Club. United India Insurance provided us the tree guards.

Even after the Varadha Cyclone, we replanted the trees which were destroyed. The Club has adopted 4 balwadis – Noon Meal Centers in the Ashok Nagar area and have equipped them with Gas Connections, furniture, fans and utensils. Any repairs are also taken up. Members visit the place frequently and oversee their activities. The club also sponsors their program for pregnant mothers and adolescent girls.

Educational support is given to poor school students and also support is extended to Poor girl Marriages. The Club meets on second and fourth Tuesday of the month at its Head quarters. Distinguished Speakers are invited to speak on Health, Beauty, Services, Appliances, Spirituality and varied subjects to improve the awareness of the members. Virgo Club is the favorite club by companies, hospitals and services to do their product presentations.

The Club Anniversaries every year at the Lakshmi Hall in Ashok Nagar are very grand with competitions to showcase the talents of the members. The public and members of other clubs are invited. More than 300 people attend the anniversary functions to which film celebrities are invited too. The members have given programs in All India Radio and TV Channels too. During Pongal festival KOLAM COMPETITIONS are conducted on the road with Police Permission. We also organize, Children’s day and festivals for the Noon Meal centers regularly.

The Highlight of the Club is the members are very friendly and helpful and help each other at the time of any crisis in the family and also provide good advice if there are any issues in family either health, social, financial etc. For each member there is a Special Sister/ Sisters to share and get help which they cannot get from their own family!